At SJMV, we believe that everyone is made in the image and likeness of God. ALL students and families are welcomed, loved, and supported to develop their faith and spirituality. The Catholic faith is integrated throughout curriculum and activities, while being sensitive to the faith background and life journey of each individual in our community.
Morning assembly
At 8:00 a.m., all grades gather together outside on the blacktop to anchor our day in prayer and community. Student Council leads us in the readings of the day, intentions, the Trojan Pledge, Pledge of Allegiance, and announcements about student activities and events.
buddy families
Buddy families is a program that allows our students the opportunity to learn, read, pray, and do activities together. Each family is composed of students across grades and led by 8th graders. Students participate in monthly activities such as STEM challenges, arts and crafts, read alouds, and more.
Small groups of students from TK-8th grade are formed to provide a sense of family, belonging, and community. Buddy Families gather every month to participate in team building activities that provide
school masses
Our students attend a School Mass on a monthly basis. Our pastor comes on campus to officiate Mass. Each class has an opportunity for leadership as readers and cantors. Our School Choir sings for Mass as our school comes together to worship and celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Parents of students are welcome to attend School Masses.
We celebrate Holy Days such as the All Saints Day and Immaculate Conception depending on when the dates fall on the school calendar. We also celebrate Mass for our patron saint, St. Joseph and have a Blessing of the Animals prayer service on the feast of St. Francis.